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Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Eupatorium)

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review

Eupatorium: Treats severe flu symptoms, including high fever, deep muscle and joint pains, and intense headaches. It alleviates chills, harsh coughing, and chest discomfort and aids recovery from persistent body aches.


Comprehensive Treatment List Below

  • Description

    Origin and Background: Eupatorium Perfoliatum, sourced from the North American "Boneset" plant, was traditionally used to treat "break-bone fever," indicative of its efficacy against severe bone aches akin to those in dengue fever. The plant is distinguished by its unique leaf structure, securing its place in herbal and homeopathic practices.


    Key Uses in Homeopathy: This remedy is central to treating flu and fever, particularly when patients experience intense body and bone aches. Accompanied by chills, fever, headaches, and fatigue, Eupatorium Perfoliatum is invaluable during flu season for these symptoms.


    Beyond the Basics: Eupatorium Perfoliatum extends relief to periodic headaches, often linked to fasting and exhibits a pronounced thirst for cold water. Its effectiveness is also time-specific, with symptoms typically worsening in the late morning, underscoring its comprehensive therapeutic profile.






    Eupatorium treats the following ailments: 


    • Flu and Fever: Eupatorium Perfoliatum is renowned for treating flu symptoms, especially when a high fever is accompanied by deep, bone-breaking muscle and joint pains. The pain is so severe that the person feels as if the bones are broken or bruised; this is often the hallmark symptom indicating this remedy.


    • Headaches: This is useful for severe headaches associated with the flu, where the pain is concentrated in the skull and eyes. The patient often feels as if the head would burst, and the pressure of lying face down may relieve the pain.


    • Lack of Thirst: Despite fever and sweating, there may be a notable lack of thirst, a characteristic symptom for choosing Eupatorium Perfoliatum.
  • Justification for our Pricing

    Creating our homeopathic remedies is far from the ordinary. Each product is meticulously handcrafted, demanding extensive time, energy, and unparalleled dedication.


    The art of producing genuine homeopathic remedies is difficult and time-consuming. We deliberately avoid the shortcuts of mass production to ensure that every batch meets our exacting standards of potency and purity.


    This commitment to traditional methods and excellence is reflected in our pricing. We understand that our remedies are an investment in your health, and the quality and effectiveness of our products justify this investment. Once you experience the difference of a Blossom Homeopathy remedy, we're confident you'll be more than just satisfied—you'll be genuinely amazed.


    Our higher prices aren't just for the product itself but for the promise of a remedy made with care, dedication, and a deep commitment to wellness.




    • Recovery Phase: It can also aid in the recovery from the flu or viral infections, especially when the body aches persist and hinder the return to normal health.


    • Lack of Thirst: Despite fever and sweating, there may be a notable lack of thirst, a characteristic symptom for choosing Eupatorium Perfoliatum.


    • Restlessness: Individuals needing Eupatorium Perfoliatum may be highly restless with their pains, frequently changing positions to get relief yet finding it hard to be comfortable.
  • Care Instructions

    Properly storing homeopathic remedies at home is essential to maintaining their effectiveness and ensuring safety. Ideally, they should be kept in a cool, dry place away from extreme temperatures, as heat, direct sunlight, and moisture can potentially diminish their potency.


    They should be stored in their original containers, out of the reach of children, to prevent accidental ingestion or misuse. Also, keep them away from solid odors like spices, perfumes, or cleaning products, as homeopathic remedies can be sensitive to such substances and might affect efficacy.


    Similarly, proximity to electronic devices emitting high electromagnetic fields should be avoided. Following these storage guidelines can help ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your homeopathic remedies.


    If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at








    • Respiratory Symptoms: Addresses harsh coughing that can be triggered by the flu, marked by soreness in the chest and a sensation as if the chest would burst with coughing. The person may have to hold their chest while coughing due to the pain.


    • Chills: It is effective in cases where chills precede the fever, often with shivering and aching in the bones, and the person may find it challenging to stay warm despite layering or covering up.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 1 review
1 review
  • Bobby Marsh
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Helped me get rid of Covid. (In-Office Review - Verified Customer)

    I came home from a job site with covid and unintentionally made my whole family sick. We all recovered well and out of all the things my neice got us from the drug store this is one of the only things we ended up finshing. Anything else that's come up after this I used this brand of homeopathy and I bouce back within 24 hours. I highly reccomend all of thier medicines.

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