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Arsenic Album

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Arsenic Album: This supplement addresses digestive and respiratory disorders, skin issues, and anxiety. It also alleviates insomnia, fevers, and cardiovascular problems. It is also effective for chronic fatigue, poisoning symptoms, and edema.


Comprehensive Treatment List Below 

  • Description

    Origin and Background: The Arsenic Album, made from arsenic trioxide, is esteemed in ancient and modern healing practices. Its raw form is toxic, but homeopathic preparation through dilution and succussion transforms it into a remedy with wide-ranging health benefits.


    Key Uses in Homeopathy: Arsenic Album is a cornerstone in homeopathy for gastrointestinal issues. It effectively treats food poisoning symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting alongside gastric upsets. It's also sought after for respiratory ailments, fatigue, and anxiety marked by restlessness and fears of death or illness.


    Beyond the Basics: Typically, those benefiting from Arsenic Album exhibit traits of anxiety, attention to detail, and a preference for order, often fearing loss of control. Their symptoms, particularly digestive or respiratory, may peak at midnight. They frequently desire small, frequent sips of water. This remedy supports these complex emotional and physical needs, fostering a sense of well-being.



    Arsenic Album treats the following ailments: 


    • Digestive Disorders: Effective in treating symptoms of food poisoning, gastroenteritis, and indigestion, characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and burning pains. Symptoms often worsen after midnight and are accompanied by chills and restlessness.


    • Respiratory Conditions: Used for colds, flu, bronchitis, and asthma where there's wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing, along with a feeling of constriction in the chest. The cough is often dry and worsens at night.


    • Anxiety and Restlessness: Arsenicum Album is indicated for individuals experiencing intense anxiety, fear, and restlessness, especially concerning health and security. This mental distress is often accompanied by physical restlessness.
  • Justification for our Pricing

    Creating our homeopathic remedies is far from the ordinary. Each product is meticulously handcrafted, demanding extensive time, energy, and unparalleled dedication.


    The art of producing genuine homeopathic remedies is difficult and time-consuming, deliberately avoiding the shortcuts of mass production to ensure that every batch meets our exacting standards of potency and purity.


    This commitment to traditional methods and excellence is reflected in our pricing. We understand that our remedies are an investment in your health, and the quality and effectiveness of our products justify this investment. Once you experience the difference of a Blossom Homeopathy remedy, we're confident you'll be more than just satisfied—you'll be genuinely amazed.


    Our higher prices aren't just for the product itself but for the promise of a remedy made with care, dedication, and a deep commitment to wellness.



    • Insomnia: Beneficial for those who have difficulty sleeping due to anxiety or physical restlessness at night.


    • Fever and Infections: For fevers with profuse sweating, chills, and the paradoxical feeling of being hot and cold simultaneously. The individual may exhibit extreme weakness even after slight exertion.


    • Cardiovascular Issues: Used in cases of heart palpitations and angina, especially when symptoms are accompanied by anxiety and a fear of death.


    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: For those experiencing persistent tiredness and weakness, which is not relieved by rest and is often worse after exertion.
  • Care Instructions

    Properly storing homeopathic remedies at home is essential to maintaining their effectiveness and ensuring safety. Ideally, they should be kept in a cool, dry place away from extreme temperatures, as heat, direct sunlight, and moisture can potentially diminish their potency.


    They should be stored in their original containers, out of the reach of children, to prevent accidental ingestion or misuse. Also, keep them away from solid odors like spices, perfumes, or cleaning products, as homeopathic remedies can be sensitive to such substances and might affect efficacy.


    Similarly, proximity to electronic devices emitting high electromagnetic fields should be avoided. Following these storage guidelines can help ensure the longevity and effectiveness of your homeopathic remedies.


    If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at







    • Skin Conditions: It helps treat various skin issues, such as eczema, psoriasis, and urticaria (hives), especially where the skin is dry, itchy, and burning. Warm applications may improve the person's condition.


    • Poisoning: Historically, Arsenicum Album has been used to treat symptoms of heavy metal or chemical poisoning, reflecting its origin.


    • Water Retention and Edema: For conditions involving swelling and puffiness due to water retention, particularly when accompanied by weakness and chilliness.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
Based on 1 review
1 review
  • Ashlynn Roberts
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    Seriously helped with my Panic Attacks. (In-Office Review - Verified Customer)

    I struggled with various mental and physiological health issues, and one of the primary ones was strong heart palpitations and anxiety attacks. Certain things would be triggers. I went to therapy, and my therapist helped a lot, and she prescribed me this homeopathic medicine. After taking it my palpitations were incredibly light, and my anxiety attack symptoms also were much less significant. I felt like I could breathe again.

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